Linda Marveng | Professional Finishing

Aula Algodón / Cotton Classroom. WTC (1ª planta Edif. Este, Moll de Barcelona, s/n, 08039 - See map
Several dates -
Brought to you by Barcelona Knits SL

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Event details

En venta a partir del 3/07 a las 12 h CEST / On sale from 3/07 at 12 h CEST

Domingo, 19 de noviembre

Horario: 13 - 16 h CEST

Lugar: Aula Algodón

Tallerista: Linda Marveng

Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 3 horas

Nivel: intermedio y avanzado

Plazas: 20

Se suele considerar que la parte más difícil de tejer una prenda es el acabado. En esta clase aprenderás sus técnicas esenciales: bloqueo, costura, ajuste de mangas y recogida de puntos. Además, podrás conocer unos consejos muy útiles. Cuando lo hayas aprendido, empezarás a disfrutar, del acabado y de la satisfacción absoluta de completar un proyecto.

En este taller aprenderás:

Qué es el bloqueo y cuándo utilizarlo.

Cómo coser en los extremos.

Las diferentes formas de coser: Pespunte, punto colchón / Mattress stitch o a ganchillo.

Ajustar y flexionar las mangas.

Recoger puntos.

Algunos consejos como: Tejer los extremos, coser por partes y tejer las mangas al mismo tiempo.

Moldeado con vueltas cortas.

Remate con 3 agujas / 3-Needle Bind Off

Truco del ojal.

Conocimientos previos: Se requieren conocimientos básicos de punto: tejer del derecho y revés, montar y cerrar puntos con agujas circulares.

Material necesario:

3 muestras de 10 x 10 cm a punto jersey ya bloqueadas en punto jersey de 10 cm como mínimo

Agujas de punto de media de entre 3,5 mm / US 4 y 6 mm / US 10

Hilo adecuado para las agujas seleccionadas en dos colores diferentes

Aguja lanera (con punta roma)


Cuaderno y lápiz

Material incluido: Obsequio del patrocinador

Patrocinado por: Kremke Soul Wool


Sunday, November 19 th

Time: 13 - 16 h CEST

Place: Cotton Classroom

Workshop facilitator: Linda Marveng

Language: English

Duration: 3 hours

Level: intermediate and advanced.

Places: 20

It is often considered that the most difficult part of knitting a garment is the finishing. In this class you will learn its essential techniques: blocking, sewing, sleeve setting and gathering stitches. In addition, you will learn some very useful tips. Once you have learned it, you will begin to enjoy, the finishing and the absolute satisfaction of completing a project.

In this workshop you will learn:

What blocking is and when to use it.

How to sew on the ends.

The different ways of sewing: lockstitch, mattress stitch / Mattress stitch or crochet.

Adjusting and flexing the sleeves.

Picking up knitting.

Some tips such as: Knit the ends, sew in parts and knit the sleeves at the same time.

Cast on with short loops.

3-Needle Bind Off / 3-Needle Bind Off

Buttonhole trick.

Previous knowledge: Basic knitting knowledge is required: knitting purl and purl, assembling and closing stitches with circular needles.

Required material:

3 10 x 10 cm knitting swatches already blocked in 10 cm minimum stockinette stitch.

Stocking stitch needles between 3.5 mm / US 4 and 6 mm / US 10

Yarn suitable for the selected needles in two different colors

Knitting needle (with blunt tip)


Notebook and pencil

Included material: Sponsor's gift

Sponsored by: Kremke Soul Wool

Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy. If you have any questions, please contact them directly.


Muy provechoso
Aunque el precio de los talleres pienso que es muy alto, me gustó mucho a nivel de contenido y sobretodo el trato y la forma de compartir de Linda.
Laia Ferran Solé Attended on 19/11/2023
A very good experience
An opportunity to meet professionals. Three very enjoyable and productive hours. The material he gave us is very interesting. A pleasure to meet and listen to Linda.
Leonor Oleaga Attended on 19/11/2023
Really good class
The class was very informative and fun. Linda was very clear and helpful. The class was very well set up and I learned a lot despite having been knitting for 20 years already.
Sigríður Hrefna Attended on 19/11/2023
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